Monday, November 08, 2004

Killer Grandmas with Vasoline on the next.. Maury

Nvm the title, some of you will know...hehehe. But as always, here is the scoop on my day. Hmm...Boring, that about sums it up. Except for a few small things, I wished I had just stayed home today. Although, I wouldn't ever do that, I would have liked to. I was psycho today, and I have no idea why. My friends thought other people were beginning to emerge from my moods instead of me, that's how weird I was...not that I'm usually NOT weird, but yah know how that goes :) Anyhoo, I don't really feel like typing anymore about my day today....So I will write about my new drawing (I usually don't do this, so feel special lol) It's a fantasy looking tree, not exactly too fictional, but one you would find in someones mind, such as on my isle of dreams. So, it's on a small piece of land that's encircled around it, and the land is underneath the water in the middle of the ocean, you can see all the roots from the soil as if it was planted there. I don't exactly know what it means, if it means anything, but it's cool looking in my mind and I hope to make it look the same on paper. I'm going to skedaddle for now, have a splendid evening to all of you out there. Later.


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