Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Open the "whole"

"Some people like to be sad. Some people aren't really that bad they just don't know any better. Sometimes we need to put bad people in our lives so we have something to compare ourselves to it's just knowing when to let them go is sometimes the hard part. Some people say we chose our path before we got here. Some people say we make it as we go along.I believe it is both. We made a main plan, a blue print if you will, to accomplish here, our own little mission, except we didn't realize the density on this plan and so in that we left loose strands, we need to stay on our own big tight rope and braid in the loose strands along the way instead of climbing down them(the main rope being the main course of our lives and the loose strands being distractions, the wrong path, whatever you may want to call it), but sometimes we need to climb down them for various reasons such as to learn or the experience Ext. But climbing back up is always a struggle. Some people need to realize that what you do when your young is forgivable if it is your first time because it is your first time because you didn't know any better and that kicking yourself is pointless. Some people are meant to be a "black hole" because after all, what good is a story without a villain, they are a necessary evil, we would all be bored if everyone was ritious. Besides, how would we know that we really are good if there was no bad to compare ourselves to. Some people need to just realize that everything will eventually balance and that worrying about it only causes situations to worsen. People individually, sometimes in groups, have there own ways to release none are wrong or where meant to be judged, put on display, or figured out. Some people need to realize that the reason bad things keep happening to them is because they’re only putting out bad so it is logical that in return they receive bad. You see a contradiction to what I've just said, allow me to clarify it for you. Yes, everything does eventually balance so even though good will eventually come, all of the negativity just makes it so much harder for the positive to break through and when it finally does come, it pops and is short lived for it is again being stamped out by constant negativity and taken for granted instead of being fed by positive words, actions, and energy. Some people need to realize that each of us are demies meaning we create everything that happens to us good and bad and effect everyone around which causes a constant chain reaction of random events (everything happens for a reason) and anything that we need in our lives all we really have to do is literally call it to us and make it happen cause we can. Some people need to realize that we have the ability to create things, and when we don't, our spirit gets sad and eventually becomes dormant inside of us (sometimes resulting in the morph into "black hole people" those can be saved it's just figuring out who was meant to be and who later on became one, because they didn't know how not to, is sometimes the hard part) because remember we are all a little piece of the "whole" so how therefore could it not make sense that we have the same abilities as the "whole" (everyone has there own name for the "Whole") and there’s always those people that you just know that you where supposed to meet that doesn’t necessarily mean that you where "meant to be together" it may just mean that you are supposed to help them or vise versa or you where supposed to effect each others lives in some way like a message or to compare or to open our eyes or whatever the case may be. Some people need to realize that wearing your heart on your sleeve sometimes only pushes possible significant others away and generally always makes them blind and eventually sometimes leads to heart break and suffocation on the other person. Some people are a little to self sufficient and that usually results in them being picky and or causes them to push people away as well and that leads to a different kind of loneliness as well as many other... Some people need to realize that it is better to feel and experience then to just be numb or afraid, but if people did realize all of these things then we'll be right back at the part about how it would be boring if we where all the same so I guess it's just a big cycle huh? Hmm, funny that. People need to realize that they are the only person that they have to deal with every single second of there lives and that the only person that is going to be looking back on your life is you so I guess you have to ask yourself, what do you want to see when you look back on your life before you make any decision in your life whether it be big or small. And it is your body, your temple, if you do not want someone in your space or touching you then just say no and don't feel bad they should be the ones feeling bad for making you feel that way in the first place. And so what? people think.... they are just people, just like you and you can either spend your time with some one you aren’t happy with because it is comfortable and all the while the one your supposed to be with could be walking right past you....."

Giz, I'm going to miss you girl, be safe, and make the right choice, okay? You know what it is, your just denying yourself that. Love you.


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